Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lizard Island - Dinghy Outing

Wow, what a day!  We decided to go out on our own today, so we ordered a picnic lunch, got a dinghy and went out on our own! Before we left on the dinghy, we got a map of where we could go and a very detailed safety briefing... off we went!

Cheryl did a great job as captain, I was the navigator as we needed to be very careful to maneuver around the reef.

First stop was Turtle Cove, we anchored the boat and jumped in for our first snorkel.  Decided it was best to start going against the current, then we could float back to the boat.  We had a blast exploring the reef.  It is very difficult free diving in salt water, you keep popping up... this definitely takes practice!

View to our room from the water

Second stop Clam Garden

Then we took the dinghy around the reefs and back to Turtle Cove

We had a spectacular day alone, doing our own thing!  The reefs were beautiful and full of life.  We practiced free diving, which is definitely a skill that needs to be perfected when snorkeling.  We enjoyed a picnic in the Clam Garden and exploring this beautiful Island!  This was a great day

Relaxing afternoon in our plunge pool enjoying the view.

Off to the bar the bar to relax and have another passion fruit drink...  we showed the bartender the recipe made the night before... he added his spin to the drink... still

And another wonderful beverage... passion palm (clearly anything with passion fruit is going to be a winner with me!)

Our last dinner was relaxing and delicious!  We shared photos from today with a family that was with us on the outer reef... this family has a young child with them... we have been wondering about this as Lizard Island does not allow children... apparently this family are regulars at this resort and others owned by this company... as we shared the photos, we were discussing our travel plans leaving the island... the father said we have our own plane so we aren’t sure when we are going to leave the island tomorrow... they live in Darwin and they were very nice!  We are definitely the rif-raff here!

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