Monday, November 25, 2019

Off to the Outback

Wow... what a difference a couple of flights make...  we arrived In the outback this afternoon 110 degrees and it feels like it... they have only nine days of rain this year (and I’m pretty sure they are not talking about fiscal year)

We had a scare at the airport... our bags didn’t show up.  We went to report bags and they started looking for them... turns out they were on our plane but never made it onto the conveyor belt, not sure why... but we got them and were very happy to see them.

Right now we are having a bit of wind storm and it looks to be rain clouds hovering around.

Longitude 131 is owned by the same company that owns the lodge we stayed at in Kangaroo Island.  So we arrived to the same comforts.

Our “tent”

Inside our “tent”

Uluru is magical!

The moods of Uluru
It changes color with the light

It’s Sister rock across the way- Kata Tjuta

We had dinner outside
And we had drinks and fire waiting for us on the deck of our tent

The sky is normally filled with stars, including amazing views of the Milky Way.
It is overcast and it actually rained tonight.
Hoping for clear skies tomorrow.

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